Reflect last year, kick off 2025
Get the free Mental Garden Yearly Reflection to learn from last year and intentionally start the next with actionable goals and insights

What's inside'
Start next year with a clear direction
Start a clear idea of what you want to focus on and how you want to spend your time
Celebrate your achievements
See what you've accomplished in 2024 and pat yourself on the back
Learn from failures and challenges
Learn from your challenges and setbacks, so you can enter the new year stronger than before
Understand your values and act on them
Find out what is important to you and what makes you happy. Let your values guide your actions.
Express some gratitude and reconnect
Express appreciation to the people close to you and to yourself
Questions and answers
What is the Yearly Reflection?
The Yearly Reflection is a set of carefully selected topics and prompts to reflect on last year and plan the next.
Who is it for?
It’s for everyone who wants to end 2024 on a high note, and live 2025 more deliberately.
How long does it take?
I recommend doing the Yearly Reflection in two-hour blocks. It takes between two and six hours. You can always choose to skip sections. This is a big investment in yourself.
What formats are available?
The Yearly Reflection is available as a Notion template, Google Docs, and as a printable PDF. If you are interested in other formats, please send me a message.
What happens when I sign up?
After you sign up, we'll send you an email with a confirmation link. Once confirmed, you will get a link to the Yearly Reflection.
What is the Mental Garden?
Mental Garden is a community of like-minded people who want to improve their life through reflection. We send out a guided introspection at the end of each month to help you better understand what is important to you.
Any other questions?
Shoot me your message at hi[at] and we will do our best to help you.